Thursday, August 13, 2009

Getting Bigger

I'm skipping a couple of events that I'll have to come back to since those pictures are on Isaac's computer. But here are some pictures I took of Joshua yesterday. I got some bins down out of the closet to put away some clothes he's grown out of, and I ended up leaving the bins out all day because they are all he wanted to play on. He's really good at standing up now, and I've attached one video of how fast he's crawling. Hopefully he'll walk soon! These pictures and videos make him look surprisingly happy when in reality most of the day he was whining and had a fever. The pictures of him standing up against me are what Isaac calls his 'ugly faces'--I think they're funny. You can see his four bottom teeth though!


Jen S said...

so adorable!! love the takedown one! he sure moves fast! ahh the lovely, quiet days of one small fry who doesn't quite talk yet. eat it up. :) luvs

karine said...

very beautiful my god!
comment on my blog is also about famous ...
Brazilian and American also ..: D
I am Brazilian and it took me enough to be able to write this "small text"!